Went out clubbing Sat night and met some random Danish lads and got quite drunk woooo then we spent the next 2 days trekking in the jungle and it was the hardest thing ever and the craziest experience!!!
In the space of 2 days we went bamboo rafting
, did ALOT of trekking up a steeeeeeeep mountain
but through the jungle ofcourse, we swam in a waterfall
, we stayed with a tribe in their village where they fed us and we all sat round a campfire singing songs and getting battered in the middle of the jungle
, and we rode the elephants!!
who then rode each other afterwards...
was so funny!!!
In our group was 7 French guys, 2 Austrians, 2 Thai men (our guides) and 2 Irish lads and me and Amy. It was so cool we sat round the campfire drinking the tribes homemade rum or something (it was gross) all cheering each other on and we then had to sing a song from our country so me and Aim sang 'in the jungle the mighty jungle....' and everyone joined in!! was like something from a film heehee. We slept in these huts on bamboo beds ouch, wasnt comfy lol. Didnt come across too many spiders pheeeeeew but was weird getting changed in the jungle and the tribes toilet was like in a pig pen which stank wiv no light and just a pan to stand on and squat in ewwww!!
Was an amazing experience although me and Aim moaned alot about the walking, trust me it was haaaaard! we all went out last night after getting back from our trek and got battttttered big time!!!! wooooooooo!!!
The elephants were cool but scary when they walked down steeeeep hills, thought i was gonna fall off but they were chained up and kept being stabbed with a sharp stick to keep them moving, not so nice. Anyway Ive got a 10hr journey back to stinky Bangkok tonight then flying to Koh Samui for sun sea and sand!! still havent got a tan, not good so gonna be sunbathing for the next few days and chilling I think.
Keep in touch guys!!xxxx